Cost of a DWI In Texas
Call Houston DWI Lawyer Clyde W. Burleson at ☎ 713-628-1503 For a Free Consultation
Did you know that the cost of a DWI in Texas can easily exceed $20,000?
For most drunk driving offenses in Texas, common direct and indirect costs include:
- Lawyer fees
- Vehicle towing & impound lot fees
- Bail
- Court fees
- Punishment fines
- Restitution fees
- Pre-trial & probation fees
- Interlock or SCRAM system fees
- Drug testing fees
- SR22 & increased insurance rates
DWI Lawyer Fees
While the cost of a DWI lawyer may seem high – $5,000 to $20,000 depending on the severity of the case – the cost of a DWI lawyer is much less than the cost of a DWI in Texas.
Vehicle Towing & Impound Costs
Once arrested for DWI, law enforcement officials will tow and impound your car. These costs will vary by location and car size. However, you can expect a towing fee of $20 to $450. Additionally, you will have a daily storage fee of $10 to $25 per day.
Bail Cost
A bail bond is the best way to secure your freedom after arrested. The amount is based on several factors:
- Past record of DWI convictions
- Additional convictions that suggest that the defendant is dangerous, violent, or at a high risk of fleeing Texas.
- Willingness to submit to mandatory chemical testing for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level.
- Aggravated offenses committed during the DWI, such as intoxicated assault or intoxicated manslaughter
First time offenders rarely pay more than $1000 but amounts of $10,000 or more are likely for severe violations like intoxication manslaughter. A bond secured from a bail bond company will still require that you pay 10% of the total out of pocket.
Pre-Trial Supervision Cost of a DWI in Texas
There are many types of bail bonds. Harris County has implemented a system of bonds when a defendant has no criminal history called a personal recognizance (PR) bond. These “free bonds” cost as much as $60/month and come with conditions similar to probation.
Administrative License Revocation Hearing (ALR) Fees
An Administrative License Revocation Hearing requested within 15 days of your arrest is the only way to save your license. As part of your defense, you will need to pay a process server to notify the arresting officer(s) of their need to appear. Fees for this service average $200 but will increase if more than one officer are required. If they do show up in court you’ll pay an additional witness fee up to $100 per officer.
Court Appearance Costs
Whether a defendant appears before a judge only for arraignment and a bail hearing prior to working out a plea arrangement or they end up going to trial, the cost of appearing in court is passed onto the defendant if convicted. These court costs vary but court appearance costs range from $200 to $1500.
DWI Fines
By state law, you must also play a DWI fine if convicted. Texas has a fine schedule, however, the amount is determined by a judge if your case goes to court.
- The maximum fine for first time offenders with a BAC less than 0.15 is $5,000.
- The maximum fine for second time offenders is $8,500.
- Third time offenders or any DWI offenders that commit intoxication assault or intoxication manslaughter can expect fines up to $10,000.
These fines can all increase due to the following variables:
- BAC over .15
- Open container
- Driving with a child under the age of 15
- Accident causing damage, bodily harm or death.
- If the driver has a CDL
DWI Probation Fees
All DWI offenders receive mandatory probation for a minimum of six months. The probation fee for anyone convicted of DWI is between $60-$140 each month during the probation term. As with pre-trial supervision, a number of conditions will apply.
Pre-Trial Conditions / Probation Condition Costs
The cost of a DWI in Texas includes pre-trial supervision and post-trial probation costs. These include:
Mandatory Drug Tests
- Drug tests costs $50/test and can be random or as frequent as once per week.
Interlock Ignition
- The Interlock Ignition is a device that requires you to take a breathalyzer test in order to start your car.
- Installation costs average about $150 and the monthly cost of the ignition interlock is usually $70-$100.
- In Harris County, you can expect this to be part of any conditions you receive, even for a first time DWI.
DWI Education Program Fees
If you are a first time DWI offender, you may be ordered to take part in one or more DWI Education Programs
- Alcohol Education Program – a 12-hour course that typically costs $70.
- DWI Intervention Program – a 32-hour course for repeat offenders or those with problems that the education class failed to address. Costs are $160+.
SCRAM Device
- You can be made to wear an ankle monitor, know as a SCRAM device, that provides real-time updates on your drinking to authorities.
- This depends on both the severity of your crime and your ability to meet the terms of your supervision
- The cost for this new fashion accessory is $350-$550 a month.
SR-22 Costs
An SR22, also known as proof of financial liability, is required to get your license back. All drivers convicted of a DWI crime, including driving under the influence of drugs or prescription medication, must show an SR-22 for a minimum of 2 years in order to maintain their driver’s license.
If an individual convicted of DWI lets their SR-22 lapse (due to cancellation or non-payment of the underlying policy), the Texas Department of Public Safety will suspend that person’s driver’s license.
The filing fee for the SR-22 form itself is minimal and typically costs between $15 and $25. However, the need for a SR-22 form flags a driver as high-risk to insurance companies, and thus their cost for the underlying motor vehicle insurance policy is likely to go up significantly. Texas drivers typically see their car insurance premiums increase by almost 87% following a DWI conviction – equivalent to about $1,000 per year.
Increased Car Insurance Costs
In order to have your driver’s license reinstated, you will need to buy additional insurance to meet minimum liability coverage. These requirements include:
- $30,000 for injury or death of a single person in a car accident
- $60,000 for injury or death of more than one person in a car accident
- $25,000 for property damage in a car accident
These additional requirements can add up to $2,000 per year to your car insurance costs.
License Reinstatement Fee
You will pay $125 to DPS to get a suspended license back.
Cost of a DWI in Texas That Are Not Costs (Technically)
On top of all this, you must ask yourself the following cost of a DWI in Houston:
- How much would losing my job or a divorce cost?
- What’s the cost of losing custody of my children?
- What is the time I lose at court, education programs, community service or waiting in line downtown for a drug test every week worth?
- What is the humiliation of having to walk around with a SCRAM device worth? How about picking up my kids from school with an interlock device?
Avoid The Cost of a DWI In Texas by Hiring a Proven DWI Lawyer
When you do the math, you stand to lose a lot of convicted of DWI in Houston. Call 713-628-1503 today for a no-obligation consultation with Clyde W. Burleson. It’s the only line on this page that doesn’t cost you money.