Deferred Adjudication
Call Houston DWI Lawyer Clyde W. Burleson at ☎ 713-628-1503 For a Free Consultation
Deferred adjudication is a plea deal where a defendant pleads guilty or no contest to criminal charges in exchange for meeting certain requirements set by the court. Instead of going to jail or prison as punishment, the judge sentences the defendant to a term of probation, also known as community supervision in Texas. Upon completion of the requirements, the defendant could avoid a formal conviction on their record or have the case dismissed. Requirements vary but may include probation, treatment, community service, or some other diversion program.
Can I Get Deferred Adjudication?
Only the judge in your case can determine if you are eligible for deferred adjudication.
What Happens If I Get It?
You will get probation. Above all, you must comply with the terms of your probation. Common terms include:
- Do not commit any crimes under federal or state law.
- Alcohol and illegal drugs are forbidden.
- Do not associate with disreputable or harmful characters or places.
- Report to your probation officer on a specified timescale.
- Allow your probation officer to visit your workplace or home.
- Maintain employment.
- Report changes in your work situation to your probation officer promptly.
- Do not move outside of your home county without first obtaining permission from the probation officer.
- Pay fines or fees directed by the court.
- Maintain any child support obligations.
What Happens If I Don’t Meet These Conditions?
If you violate the terms of your probation, the prosecution may seek to revoke your probation. While you have the right to a hearing, it is not the same as a criminal trial. In other words, the prosecution’s standard for proving a violation is much lower than in a criminal trial. In short, it’s difficult to stop termination.
Call Clyde Burleson About Deferred Adjudication
In conclusion, Contact DWI Lawyer Clyde W. Burleson at 713-628-1503 to discuss deferred adjudication and other options that may benefit you.